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This is a page that I'm going to use like a weird journal thingy..?? I dunno honestly :P All I know is that I'm going to TRY to edit this at least once a day!
Click the image below to go back to the home page!
-7:47 AM-Do you ever get randomly licked by a small child? (I did) (last night)
-11:24 AM-I la la love the library!! :33
-12:11 PM-Every single thing in my body hurts. Ouch.
-7:46 AM-I'm gonna be here (the school) until 8 PM :(
-1:52 PM-I want to go hommeeeeeeeeee!!!!!! I don't want to do a million. things this month :(((
-12:44 PM-I had eat alone at lunch (pensive emoji) BUT my little cat figurine has gotten loads of compliments :3 (plus I've been documenting his days on my Instagram story! Though I'll probably make a big post later compiling both today and yesterday.)
-7:47 AM-Seepy :(((((
-8:59 AM-I have too much energy rn!!!!!
-8:13 PM-Really unhappy with how things are going.
-9:59 PM-Enrollment is #overwhelming xP.
-7:53 AM-It's so freaking cold!!! My ears felt like they were gonna fall off!!!!
-10:52 AM-It's too hot in this school T-T
-7:40 AM-My team kind of sucked at quads but I had fun :3
-7:52 AM- I'm so sleepy but i have quads for scholar bowl today :(
-8:58 AM- I named a classroom rubber ducky after my pookie bear Patrick Swayze :3
-11:14 AM- Back to school! Finally!
-10:18 PM- . . . haha... Hi guys.. ha.. oops! My winter break basically got extended by about a week because the weather hates us where I am (My best friend almost got hit with a semi while coming home so.. fun.) So I guess theres a lot to go over, isn't there? Starting with, Oh my gosh it's 2025?!?! WHAT!! Too soon, in my opinion. Like, can time stop? I'm having too many revelations rn. Second, I got a new phone! I now no longer have to deal with such intense lag! I do have to start over my block blast score though. That's annoying. Umm.. I'm sure I'll think of something else later, but right. now I should PROLLY get some sleep cause I might actually have school tomorrow. It sounds insane that I might, but they havent called it yet so who the heck knows. Kk, goodnight all <3
-12:27 PM- Merry Christmas! (I'm on winter break so I havent been editing the ferret page. Check out the main page and draw me an art if you want though! I want to see the drawings!)
-7:48 AM- Biology final today. I'm cooked. COOKED!!! and my best friend isn't even here (kinda worried about that)
-9:34 AM- She jsut slept in lol, she's fine. And my grade in biology now is 100%, which is crazy lol
-8:03 AM- Only 1.5 days of school left before break! Thank god! Hopefully today goes better than yesterday did! Going to work on a Christmas theme at some point before next week lol
-10:20 AM- Christmas theme now out, with a button and everything!
-11:59 AM- Just finished my final for AP Human Geo (52/54 points!! Yay!) and am now going to work on winter mode ^^ will update if I get it finished!
-2:18 PM- Finished Winter mode & it's button, now putting it on the site :3
-3:53 PM- Winter mode is now out and ready to use!!
-8:53 AM- 1. so so sorry, it slipped my mind with all going on.
2. I'm sick and it's finals week! I feel horrible!!
-7:43 AM- Hahahaha.... oops.
-9:26 PM- I'm gonna be honest... This didn't cross my mind once yesterday. I was quite busy.
-7:41 AM- I got more food than usual from my friend's boyfriend :3
-7:47 AM- I'm too sleepy rn. Also my computer is dirty and that's annoying. I so very much dont want to be here (Here as in school).
-12:01 AM- Lol its been 7 minutes. Merry holidays. Winter mode will drop soon.
-11:54 PM- Tomorrow is December 1st. Tomorrow is in 6 minutes. lol. Crazy how time works haha. I'm so tired.
-9:45 PM-
hope you like my po-em
-4:53 PM- Buh. Tummy hurt :(
Oopsie poopsie
-2:36 PM- Beep Boop.
-10:22 AM- Finally on fall break lmao. I slept so had when I got home from school (I never EVER nap.) Went to the school musical Thursday, they did 9-5 and it was actually really good (despite what all my and my sibling's friends were saying.) Going to the spaghetti dinner for the orchestra tonight (and hopefully seeing the musical again if my dad wants to) so busy day lol.
-7:43 AM- I'm going to die. My mind is mush.
-8:08 AM- I'm actually so tired right now...
- I was at my friend's house yeasterday and I completely forgot about updating the ferret page! Ack!! Sorry!!!!
-7:44 AM- I'm going to cry. It's first block. I have a test :sob: I don't WANNA! It's too early to be thinkingg
-2:10 PM- okay I actually did good. I got 28/30.
-2:50 PM- Woah! First ever entry during scholar bowl!!!!!!
-7:45 AM- I think I have memory loss, no joke (joke).
-7:48 AM- Guys. I did so many updates to the site last night and I just completely forgot about this page :sob:
-6:59 PM- yawwwwwnnnnnnnnnn :3
-8:01 AM- Babysitting kids later today for service hours. (also new theme just dropped! click the "fall" button in the home page to try it out!
-7:49 AM- So many things hurt (sob) but I'm happy cause my sibling's friend popped into my classroom to say hi this morning :3
-7:43 AM- .
-12:22 PM- Guys my teefers hurt
-1:01 PM- Jesus I'm doiung a bad job at consistantly writing entries.
-8:48 AM- HOW IS IT NOVEMBER....?! also i went trick or treating last night and i got a lot of candy :3 very sleepy now tho.
-7:45 AM- I swear I thought about making an entry 2nd block but I got distracted and forgot for the rest of the day
-7:44 AM- I think I'm sick :sob:
-8:14 PM- Literally just lounged all day lmao.
-7:10 AM- Fell asleep watching how its made last night (sorry!!) and am going to Worlds of Fun with my best friend today.
-2:14- I dont remember what I was gonna say...... but some girl did propose to me and give me a ring in one of my classes... so Ig i have a new wife now??
-7:50 AM- Dear O' Great Ferret Page,
I'm making a new page for the site! (If you want to view it before it's linked you can put "/meowsic" after the "" in your search bar.) Also I'm considering being too lazy to write "Dear O' Great Ferret Page"
-8:26 AM- Dear O' Great Ferret Page,
Today has already been a day. None of my alarms went off (literally. None of them.) and my phone didn't charge. My phone has been having PROBLEMS lately, like, the alarm thing (in the clock app it says "Alarm going off soon. Tue October 22nd 5:40 AM" 5:40 AM?!?!?! DUDE! THAT HAPPENED ALREADY!!!! like WHa?T??????), and then also my phone has been doing this thing (its happened like twice this week.) where after my first alarm goes off it just goes completely unresponsive and I have to force reset it. I'm also upset because I'm wearing a long sleeve black shirt today (curse concert black!!)
-7:43 PM- Dear O' Great Ferret Page,
I think I've been off this long while... buh.
-5:24 PM- I am distraught that I have just descovered that I didn't make an entry yesterday. Did a Scholar Bowl tournament today though, that was pretty cool.
-8:59 PM- I cut the pad of my left pointer finger while cutting open an acorn in ELA *sigh*
-10:19 PM- Dear O' Great Ferret Page,
My room is so cold omg.
-7:50 AM- Dear O' Great Ferret Page,
I'm so not ready for my orchestra concert tonight hahahaha
-9:27 PM- concert went okay, I didn't have my bass for any of the songs chamber (the group I'm in) played and I'm pretty sure I used a 7th graders because it was ittyer bittyer than mine (which messed up my mussle meomory!!) but it went okay I suppose. I had mine (who I just decided I'm going to name Bailey (male) so theres that) for the last song, so at least he got played by me at a concert lol.
-8:52 PM- Dear O' Great Ferret Page,
Today was a DAY like WOW.
-8:33 PM- Dear O' Great Ferret Page,
1. Why didn't anybody tell me that my dates were off by one? (fixed now) 2. My legs hurt so bad qwq
-11:08 PM- Dear O' Great Ferret Page,
Homecoming was actually so fun!! I had a great time, even though my tootsies hurt now :3
-10:49 PM- Dear O' Great Ferret Page,
Note to anybody who will listen, dont try to walk ~2 miles in a trenchcoat in 81°F weather! It's not fun. But on a better note, my school won their homecoming football game! (and I know the guy who won hoco king (even though he wasnt the one I voted for) )
-7:45 AM- Dear O' Great Ferret Page,
I finished painting my slurpee cup for my JD costume last night (yay!). It ws fun to watch my sibling be smart suring scholar bowl yesterday too lol. Today I reallllllyyyyy don't want to do the group project I have to do (my friend's boyfriend is going to make me go CRAZY istg!) but at least afterwards I've got orchestra, so that'll make me happy.
-9:24 AM- Dear O' Great Ferret Page,
Feeling very Womp Womp today
-11:11 AM- Still feeling Womp Womp.
-1:36 PM- Still Womp Womp, but less :P
-2:33 PM-The Womp is Womping.
-10:07 PM- Dear O' Great Ferret Page,
I was gonna say something this morning but i don't reamember what it was :/
-4:43 PM- Dear O' Great Ferret Page,
I've been through ten high schools, they start to get blurry.
No point planting roots 'cause you're gone in a hurry.
My dad keeps two suitcases packed in the den, so it's only a matter of when.
I don't learn the names, don't bother with faces, all I can trust is this concrete oasis!
Seems every time I'm about to despair, there's a 7-Eleven right thereeeeee!
Each store is the same, from Las Vegas to Boston, linoleum aisles that I loove to get lost in!
I pray at my altar of sluuuush, yeah, I live for that sweet frozen ruuuuush!
Freeze your braiiiiiinnn, suck on that straw, get lost in the paiin!
Happiness comes, when everything numbs, who needs cocaaaaiiiiinnee? Freeze your braiiiin, freeeeeeeeze your braiiiinn. /lyr
-9:41 PM- Dear O' Great Ferret Page,
Got the Halloween & HOCO fit together today. Going as J.D. from Heathers (the musical). I'm weirdly happy about owning a trench coat now lol.
-11:14 PM- Dear O' Great Ferret Page,
Curled my sibling's hair, made a spookymode button (spookymode was the "something cool" from last night's entry), and played Papa's Burgeria. Overall Good day.
-6:59 PM- Dear O' Great Ferret Page,
Have made a bunch on little site changes today, and I'm gonna work on something cool in a second :3. I also learned how to curl my hair today! So yay!
-8:39 AM- Dear O' Great Ferret Page,
MY SLC WENT WELL LAST NIGHT!! YIPPEE! And this morning I made an email signiture in my first block class.
-10:16 PM- The license plate and light switch cover are now on the art page! So if you really wanted to see those, check that out.
-7:47 AM- Dear O' Great Ferret Page,
I realllyyyyy dont wanna do my SLC (Student Led Conference) tonight....
-1:08 PM- Dear O' Great Ferret Page,
Spooky month!!! Yippee!!!
-7:42 AM- Dear O' Great Ferret Page,
Crazy to think that it's almost October. Yeesh. It's also crazy to think that my jeans are wet right now. I don't know if that was that I forgot to turn on the dryer yesterday or if the dryer just kinda sucks. Sad either way :/
-10:01 PM- Dear O' Great Ferret Page,
Painted my light switch cover today, and finished painting an old license plate last night. I'm going to try and remember to put those on the site on the art page tomorrow morning. G'night <3
-8:02 PM- Dear O' Great Ferret Page,
Long day today, but good day. Also my school won their football game last night (for once lmao). That was a fun thing to experience, though even when we lose it's a good experience because of how great the student section is, tons of pep.
-2:30 PM- Dear O' Great Ferret Page,
So very sleepy ong.
-9:04 AM- Dear O' Great Ferret Page,
Hbhbhbbuhbuh. My left arm is covered in scribbles.. this is what I get for taking a good pen to school and then finishing a quiz quickly first block.... ALSO! I didn't get my play check recorded! Ha.. Not only is Brody (my home bass) WAY too small for me, but he's actually so squeaky! I spent like half an hour RELEARNING the shifting so I dont play the wrong notes, but once I get it sort of okay and I turn on the camera, its freaking Squeak Central up in my room, so the notes aren't right! It's actually so aggravating! It's just so vgrhbnjafjnryyr;r bhfr!!!! AHH! I just don't want to fail! Is that so bad‽‽‽‽‽
-4:16 PM- Dear O' Great Ferret Page,
It was a long day lol. Long but good. I do need to clean my room though so I can record my play check for orchestra... which is due on Friday.... haaahhh..... also I need to practice for my speaking test in Spanish.... sigh. Busy Busy.
-7:50 AM- Dear O' Great Ferret Page,
It's a B day!! I get to go to orchestra!! And then (cuz it's tuesday) it's a club day, and cuz we had friday off it's 2 B day clubs in a row, so HOPEFULLY chess club's first meeting goes well! Also me and Lydia are chill :3 we sit together at breakfast :3
-5:52 PM- Update: I can sort of play chess now :3 ("Now" as in 10:40 AM, not like I just learned right now)
-10:31 PM- Dear O' Great Ferret Page,
My earrings got complimented twice and my shirt did once :3 also my Geometry teacher called me smart and said that she's proud of me!! Plus she gave me a lemon skittle :3333
-7:17 PM- Dear O' Great Ferret Page,
Made a poker chip with googly eyes on it that I named Chippy (pictured below). He's going to help me through my (not real) gambling addiction (that is just for the bit).
-9:16 AM- Dear O' Great Ferret Page,
Agenda for today: Do math at the library, Fix coloring stuff on you (at the library), go to a festival thing (not at the libary), go home and go eep (also not at the library)
-11:58 AM- Y'all it is POURING rain lmao. Hope it stops by the time of the festival :P
-4:08 PM- Dear O' Great Ferret Page,
No school today (yay!!) thought about cleaning my room, never did. Going to an art fair in a little bit though! So that'll be fun!!
-4:44 PM- Dear O' Great Ferret Page,
It was a long day today. No school tmrw though!!
-10:55 AM- Dear O' Great Ferret Page'
If you can't tell I'm writing this in Spanish class lol :P
-7:12 PM- Jesus my sibling is old, graduation this year and everything.
-7:42 AM- Dear O' Great Ferret Page,
I have decided I should probably work on making the link image for you ;-; I'll just link you without one for now :P
-11:07 AM- Sigh.... first chess club meeting was cancled ://
-11:45 AM-
Dear O' Great Ferret Page,
First entry!!! Woah!! And it isn't even linked to the main page yet! That's crazy!